

Curiosity instead of Defensiveness

Meet your partner with curiosity instead of defensiveness. Can you do this? Do you do it often? I’ve said before there are 3 Core Tenants to Living Relationally:   (there’s another post in here with that exact title) While I still…

The Three Modes of Negotiation

Relational Life Therapy Recognizes Three Modes of Negotiation: Invitation Request Demand An Invitation is all about the other person. I “invite” you to do this and it is completely up to you if you participate or not. I was watching…

Shame vs Guilt

Let’s look again at guilt vs shame. According to Brene Brown, “guilt” is behaviorable and actionable, “fixable.” **I did a bad thing “Shame,” on the other hand, is character-ological (is that a word? ), it’s who I am **I am…

Some Thoughts on the Movie “Soul”

Who’s seen the movie “Soul?” If you haven’t, what I’m posting here shouldn’t give anything away… For those who have, that scene near the end, where 22 is talking to herself really spoke to me: *I’m not good enough. Nope.…