Frequently Asked Questions
I work with adults only (30+) both individually and in relationships.
My physical office is in Norwood, MA. However, as I still offer virtual sessions (and always will), geography is somewhat irrelevant.
I offer both and I, personally, have no preference.
Some of my clients prefer the flexibility that virtual sessions offer- since they don’t have to drive to the session, they don’t have to account for transportation time out of their day. And, some of my clients are located far enough away that in-person would be a deterrent.
Other clients prefer in-person as they tell me they can focus better without the distractions they face at home, in their car, or in the office.
Okay, I admit it, I prefer virtual so I can wear my flannel bottoms #myclientslikethatImhuman
Couples: 90-100mins/$425
Individual: 45min/$200
Extended Individual: 90min/$400
(Please note, an Extended Individual Session needs to be scheduled in advance; likely more than 24hrs in advance as I won’t be able to give you a double session if the times before and after your session are already booked. Recently I’ve had a couple of clients come in and say “Could I have a double-session today?” – half kidding – so I’ve decided to officially offer this option)
If you’d like to see if we’re a good fit, before we even connect directly, I have both a YouTube channel and a podcast.
All appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours will be charged the full private rate. The only exception to this is snow. This is not because snow is an emergency or outside of your control, as both of those reasons could fit for a myriad of other things as well. I make this exception because too many times, the storm never came and my clients had already cancelled. Also, most of the time, even with a storm, half of my day can still make their appointments (ie: storm in the morning, my evening clients can come cause the roads are plowed; storm in the evening, my morning clients can still come because it hasn’t hit yet). It makes better business-sense to see how the day unfolds.
My preference is weekly or bi-weekly sessions. This is the frequency where I see my clients really understanding, grasping, and putting into practice what I am presenting in session. In an ideal world, I am teaching you skills that you will use outside of sessions. When I see clients on a monthly basis, the skills don’t stick with them the same way. I don’t mind this and I will see you at whatever frequency you’d like. I just want you to be aware that your growth may be slower when we meet less frequently.

Frequently Asked Questions
I work with adults only (30+) both individually and in relationships.
My physical office is in Norwood, MA. However, as I still offer virtual sessions (and always will), geography is somewhat irrelevant.
I offer both and I, personally, have no preference.
Some of my clients prefer the flexibility that virtual sessions offer- since they don’t have to drive to the session, they don’t have to account for transportation time out of their day. And, some of my clients are located far enough away that in-person would be a deterrent.
Other clients prefer in-person as they tell me they can focus better without the distractions they face at home, in their car, or in the office.
Okay, I admit it, I prefer virtual so I can wear my flannel bottoms #myclientslikethatImhuman
Couples: 90-100mins/$425
Individual: 45min/$200
Extended Individual: 90min/$400
(Please note, an Extended Individual Session needs to be scheduled in advance; likely more than 24hrs in advance as I won’t be able to give you a double session if the times before and after your session are already booked. Recently I’ve had a couple of clients come in and say “Could I have a double-session today?” – half kidding – so I’ve decided to officially offer this option)
If you’d like to see if we’re a good fit, before we even connect directly, I have both a YouTube channel and a podcast.
All appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours will be charged the full private rate. The only exception to this is snow. This is not because snow is an emergency or outside of your control, as both of those reasons could fit for a myriad of other things as well. I make this exception because too many times, the storm never came and my clients had already cancelled. Also, most of the time, even with a storm, half of my day can still make their appointments (ie: storm in the morning, my evening clients can come cause the roads are plowed; storm in the evening, my morning clients can still come because it hasn’t hit yet). It makes better business-sense to see how the day unfolds.
My preference is weekly or bi-weekly sessions. This is the frequency where I see my clients really understanding, grasping, and putting into practice what I am presenting in session. In an ideal world, I am teaching you skills that you will use outside of sessions. When I see clients on a monthly basis, the skills don’t stick with them the same way. I don’t mind this and I will see you at whatever frequency you’d like. I just want you to be aware that your growth may be slower when we meet less frequently.