How to Fix a Broken Marriage Without Counseling
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Cheesy as it sounds, there is such inner peace when you have healthy self esteem and healthy boundaries, and that peace leads to healthy and easy decision-making. Last week was our 15th wedding anniversary and we were deciding what to…
I was talking to someone a few weeks ago. No, I was talking to my children in front of someone. He made the comment that it shouldn’t matter what other people think of you, happiness comes from the inside. I…
Funny story about timeouts. . . Last weekend I needed my husband to sign the back of a check so I could deposit it through my phone. We both needed to sign it and my full legal name is rather long.…
This is how I survived that house. When I said that statement in session this week, I was specifically referring to myself and my client at that moment. And then I realized the sentence likely serves for most people. “That…
We are all really looking for three things in our partner: I know these sound extreme and simplistic. I also know it is true: these are the things we are all looking for deep down, if we allow ourselves to…
Let’s talk in cliché’s for a moment: Easier said than done. Practice makes perfect. When teaching new skills to my clients, new ways of thinking, and/or new behaviors, I often hear “Well, that’s easier said than done.” No, it’s not.…
Meet your partner with curiosity instead of defensiveness. Can you do this? Do you do it often? I’ve said before there are 3 Core Tenants to Living Relationally: (there’s another post in here with that exact title) While I still…
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Relational Life Therapy Recognizes Three Modes of Negotiation: Invitation Request Demand An Invitation is all about the other person. I “invite” you to do this and it is completely up to you if you participate or not. I was watching…