Give your “yes” freely, or don’t give it at all.

What do I mean by: “Give your ‘yes’ freely or don’t give it at all”?

I’m referring to when you say “yes” to something when you really want to say “no”.

And when you say “yes” because you want other people to approve of you and like you.

Or because you’re hoping for something in return.

What often happens when you say “yes” when you don’t mean it?

You end up resenting others.

Maybe you’re trying to please people and not getting the results you hoped for because you base your self esteem on what others think of you? (Society Based Esteem)

Even if you’re receiving that approval, it’s not great to feel like maybe people like you not for who you are, but for what you can do for them.

It’s not a good place to be. It feels icky. It fosters feelings of low self worth, rejection, and resentment.

So how do you break out of this pattern? How do you begin to realize that you have worth because you were born, that your voice matters just as much as everyone else’s—because you stand equal to all, eye to eye and toe to toe?

Contact me to work together to get you out of this place of feeling Less Than so that you can stand in your own Center of Equality.

So that you can confidently say “no” when you want to and need to, without feeling bad about it or fearing the other person’s reaction.

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