Teach Your Friends This Language

What a treat! My close friend, podcast partner, and Bootcamp co-facilitator (Rebecca Wong) hosts her own podcast at Connectfulness.com. A couple of weeks ago, she interviewed me for it. It wasn’t really an “interview,” so much as the two of us talking about some of our favorite subjects.

When conflict arises in our relationships, what does it mean to shift from 1st Consciousness to 2nd Consciousness? It has a lot to do with shifting from a preoccupation of the self into self-awareness of our own “going Up” and “going Down,” which is one of my favorite topics. This is one lens of healthy Self Esteem – staying in our healthy center, vs going Up or Down. Why do I capitalize the Up and Down? Because I believe they are actual “places” we go.

From our healthy center, we can be curious about other perspectives – this curiosity does not exist in the Up or Down.

While this is a complex topic, it actually CAN be grasped and practiced quicker than people think. And it does take “practice.”

Once you have an understanding of it, it’s as though someone has turned on a light and you realize there’s so much more you can see clearly.

Full disclaimer: this is a life-long practice!

I tell my clients, “I don’t give homework, I give ‘this is the rest of your life.’” (I’m even considering purchasing mugs that change with hot liquid where the text has the above quote – get on my case-load now if you want this gift 😉

Rebecca and I (along with our partner Jules) could talk about this stuff all day/every day, so this was a really fun conversation for both of us. I hope you enjoy it as well.

Contact me now to work on implementing these changes in your life.

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