Curiosity instead of Defensiveness

Meet your partner with curiosity instead of defensiveness.

Can you do this?

Do you do it often?

I’ve said before there are 3 Core Tenants to Living Relationally:  

(there’s another post in here with that exact title)

While I still believe there are 3, I’m making some changes; here are the previous ones, somewhat combined:

*Living Non-Violently & with Full Respect – between each other AND between our ears

*Choice – I get to choose to act one way at work (be a “killer”) and differently at home.

There are still 3, as I’m adding a new one: CURIOSITY.

I’m now realizing that *curiosity* is another Core Tenant.

When you can meet your partner with curiosity instead of defensiveness, it will shift the entire dynamic. 

And when you can do it regularly, it will shift the entire RELATIONSHIP.

We can only meet our partner with curiosity when we are in our “wise mind.”

Our 2nd Consciousness

This is a whole different part of our brain.

We cultivate it with practice.

You have to pause and breathe and NOT do your natural instinct. 

Your natural instinct is what is keeping you in your same dynamic.

You want a new dynamic?

You have to do something DIFFERENT.

And it will NOT come naturally when you first start doing it.

Do it anyway.

Over and over and over again.

And Contact Me to work on the “how.”

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